Agriculture and Poultry refers to the practice of producing food and related products for human consumption and usage in various industries through various activities. Agriculture involves the production and maintenance of crops, livestock, aquaculture, and forestry to yield food products like rice, wheat, milk, honey, and non-food items such as wood, gum, cotton, jute, etc. Whereas, Poultry is a form of farming that is concerned with the production of eggs and meat from animals such as chicken, duck, turkey, etc. Both Agriculture & Poultry play a vital role in providing food and other essential products to society and additionally making substantial contributions to the economic structure of countries.
Whereas, Poultry is a form of farming that is concerned with the production of eggs and meat from animals such as chicken, duck, turkey, etc. Both Agriculture & Poultry play a vital role in providing food and other essential products to society and additionally making substantial contributions to the economic structure of countries.
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